John Hebenton's Podcast

Imagining, Praying for and Creating

John Hebenton

In this Season of Creation to explore the need to imagination our relationship with and place in creation – our common home; and courage to live that out. Esther offers an example of what reimagining your place looks like, the risks and the rewards – a story still celebrated by Jews today at Purim. Esther also offers a chance to honestly reflect on where we are in our current plight.

In this last reading from the letter from James we are reminded that the basis for living our faith is prayer – all kinds of prayer, from lament for this world, confession for our role in climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, pandemics and other diseases, war, violence, poverty, etc…

Mark reminds us that God works though many people – even though who offer us a class of water. We are not alone in this work of reimagination.

This week we are invited to both pray and act, for creation, for all who work to change our relationship, for all those working at the political and scientific level, for business leaders and farmers and those working to change how we work, and for young people who continue to highlight the urgency of this issue in the face of reluctance and the forces of business as usual.

Finish with this music written and performed for churches as we pray for the upcoming COP 26 conference.

The notes for this sermon can be found here