John Hebenton's Podcast
Sunday sermons preached at St. George's Anglican Church, Gate Pa, Tauranga. These are mostly based on the RCL Lectionary readings for that Sunday, with a few variations for our own lectionary in this Province, and special events here at Gate Pa.
442 episodes
Some Reflections After 9 Years Offering the Remembering The Battle Service every April 29
Rev John Hebenton, the retiring vicar of the Anglican Parish of Gate Pā offers some thoughts on the importance of remembering the battles of Pukehinahina-Gate Pa and Te Ranga as we renegotiate our way through this crossroad in the life of...
Putake o te Riri
As this year is the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Pukehinahina-Gate Pa, Gate Pa Anglican Parish offered free lectures to help the community understand our city's history and how it shapes our present.This lecture was in two parts. T...
The Battle of Te Ranga 21 June 1864
This year is the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Pukehinahina-Gate Pa. This is an important event for our city, especially with some of the other things happening in Aotearoa at the moment. We again offered free lectures to help the communit...
What a Ride! - Johns says Thanks and Goodbye.
A sermon to say thankyou- To explore the process we are all going through – and that it is ok- Use the ascension to invite us all to trust God in all this-...
Whirlpools into Abiding
The writer of John’s gospel is not a linear Greek thinker. He presents Jesus using older circular ways of teaching – circling around a topic, with each pass going deeper into the abundance of layers of meaning, into the abundance at the heart o...
Jesus Being Pastoral
Easter is a time to have our minds blown by and for our imaginations to run wild with the possibilities of what the reign of God might look like. - What does that mean for us as we commemorate ANZAC...
Following Thomas!
A sermon exploring what it was like for those male disciples when they heard Jesus had risen – They had abandoned Jesus to his death, denied him, betrayed him. They did not die with him as Thomas promised not so long ago – and now he is back!!<...
And So It Begins
A reflection to help people into the story of Palm Sunday, to ask where are they in this story, and what do they see?Invite them to ask, as Jesus sees everything, what are we invited to see?We watched Rev Dr Rodney Aist speak in ...
Reframing the Picture
John talks about the writer of John's gospel and Jeremiah both reframe what is going on to find hope in the midst of despair.As we approach an interregnum and gather for our AGM how might we reframe the story of Anglican Parish of Gate Pa?<...
Being God’s Works of Art
Readings:Hebrew Scripture: Numbers 21:4-9Psalm: 107:1-3,17-22Epistle: ...
Last week we talked about “carrying our cross with some examples of “martyrs”. When John got home he read about MLK Jr, and some of his experiences with his father in Jim Crow South – living the truth that he was created a man in...
Lenten Following
We began by watching Dean Richard talk abut the wilderness, <>John then offers som...
Lent – A Testing Time
It is Lent – traditionally a time to give something up, to pray and read the bible more, and to support charities. John explores the point of all that using his three questions – whose are we, who are we, what is ours to do? He sugg...
What is the Point?
John uses Mark 1:40-45 to explore some ideas around the point of the healing stories in Mark, using David Loses’ “4 words about Jesus”. ( do these teach me/us abo...
Candlemas Lighting Waitangi Sunday
John starts by exploring what Candlemas is. He then wonders what is revealed of Jesus in story from Mark 1 – that we might see and live in the reign of God today, and what has this to do with Waitangi Day?What I want to ha...
Being Found on the Edge
John talks about Epiphany and what that is all about, and how we are to read our readings in light of the themes of Epiphany.He uses the 1 Samuel story to explore place of others in call, especially with young people. Then use this story...
Repentance, Rupture and Revelation
John talks about how we have two principal feasts and should not be displaced by any other celebration: Epiphany and the Baptism of the LordOriginally they were on the same day, and still are for many Eastern Orthodox Churches....
Mary Our Model
On this fourth Sunday of Advent, using the story of the Annunciation from Luke's Gospel, John explores who is Mary, and how she might inspire us in our life of faithAnd he invites us to reflect on who helps us be disciples and who we hel...
Witnessing to Joy?
Last week we were invited to “Wake up!”- John asks what does that mean for us?He then uses John 1, particularly John 1: 26+7, and Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, to offer a response - waking up to God’s presence in the light of Christ i...
Wake Up
John wonders if we hear the call to wake up – In Isaiah, in John the Baptiser, in how Mark introduces his telling of the good news of God found in Jesus. He explores each as they stand on their threshold and the urgency of each's messa...
Watching and Waiting in Advent and Beyond
Rev Debbie Garrett explores the themes of Advent using the gospel passage set for the day -Mark 13:24-37.In all that is happening in this land and around the world today, we are reminded that God is our source of hope and the provider of jo...