John Hebenton's Podcast

Mid-Winter Harvest Festival

June 29, 2021 John Hebenton

John  explores what harvest festival is about, and uses Matariki to offer the idea that in harvest festival we also commit to ongoing care for creation, where the harvest comes from. He links that with Pope Francis’s Laudato Si, - giving thanks for creation and developing an attitude holding the bond between concern for nature, justice for the poor, commitment to society and inner peace.
That leads us to the Gospel reading (Mark 5:21-43) and the reign of God revealed in Jesus offering of hope and life. In Jesus the reign of God defeats the powers that  bring death  and prevent people and creation from thriving. Instead Jesus offers life. And for many what prevents people thriving is their fear. Jesus breaks the power of fear and invites us to trust God even in the midst of our fear and doubt.

The notes for this sermon can be found here