John Hebenton's Podcast

Jesus the Home Invader

June 08, 2021 John Hebenton

John revisits Trinity Sunday and explores the importance of the assumptions we make around Trinity – hierarchical or mutual and caring; and how that impacts how we see God at work in the world. 

He uses that to explore our church's celebration of our constitution – Te Pouhere – a gift of God, built on theological understanding of the Trinitarian God non-hierarchical relationship of mutuality, generosity, compassion, completeness, and wholeness, love, shalom, and aroha.

And then we did a quick recap to remind people of big themes of Mark – looking again at Mark 1: 14-15 (“Now is the time! Here comes God’s kingdom! Change your hearts and lives, and trust this good news!” ) – and apply that to the image of the strong person in this reading. God’s kingdom has come because the strong powers that have ruled this world are being tied up. So what are some of those powers?

How does that help us have something to offer to some conversations happening today in Tauranga, in our country, and in the world.

The notes for this sermon can be found here