John Hebenton's Podcast

Changing Lenses -#SeasonofCreation 2020

John Hebenton

During this Season of Creation, we are being invited to re-examine how we answer – whose are we, who are we, and what is ours to do? If God is the creator and Sustainer of all, who through the love for all creation lived in Jesus is renewing and restoring humanity and all creation – then who are we and what is ours to do?

There are many competing claims to how we answer this which constantly call us away from seeing this world as gift and our calling to live in such a way that we join God’s work of sustaining all life – Loving God by loving our neighbours – all creation – as ourselves. 

In light of all that John invites people to see that living in reverence for God’s creation and all who share our common home is a core part of being a follower of Christ. In what ways do we not live this out, and what new ways of living are we being invited into.

You can find the notes to this sermon here