John Hebenton's Podcast

Abiding in Lockdown

John Hebenton

John explores John 14:15-21 and what Jesus says about the Spirit of Truth, the Companion. The gift of the Spirit is that the love of God resides in each one of us, that all may be drawn into the way of God – the way of compassion, generosity, justice and love.
And the task of the Spirit is to invite us ever more deeply into love, so that we too might abide in divine love. 

While we might be physically distanced from each other, we are not distanced from God. 

While ee might not be able to gather,  we are still invited to live God’s compassion, mercy, justice, inclusiveness, passion, goodness, and peace: for ourselves, for each other,  for all people. 

John finishes by wondering what we hear in that promise?

  • How have we experienced the Spirit over these weeks? 
  • How do we experience this Spirit in our new normal? 
  • How might we live that out?

The notes for this sermon can be found here.