John Hebenton's Podcast
Sunday sermons preached at St. George's Anglican Church, Gate Pa, Tauranga. These are mostly based on the RCL Lectionary readings for that Sunday, with a few variations for our own lectionary in this Province, and special events here at Gate Pa.
John Hebenton's Podcast
She Left the Jug Behind
John Hebenton
How does this story add to the story we explored last week, a story that begins with greed, violence, and division; finds Abram and Sarai being invited into the impossible dream of being the first ancestor of a new people – unlike any other – through whom God will renew creation and restore humanity; an impossible dream tenuously held in the Israelite people; and fulfilled in Jesus. How does this story shape his interaction with Nicodemus and with the Samaritan woman?
The script for this can be found here