John Hebenton's Podcast

Love One Another – Yeah Right!

John Hebenton

John asks people what questions and ideas they bring to this readying.
He goes on to explore two of his questions

-          In what way is this new?

-          How did Jesus live love?

o   removing cloak authority, status, leadership, honour, power

o   humbly washing the feet of those who deny, betray and dessert him

Loving one another is not easy – as New Testament (Acts, Paul's writing) show or as history church shows

failure to live out this “simple commandment” has led directly to us to remembering what happened here

explore examples of Henare Wiremu Taratoa and Heni Te Kiri Karamu as examples of the risk of loving as Christ loves

how we don’t do this stops us being a missional community

The Notes for this sermon can be found here