John Hebenton's Podcast

Following Jesus fulfilling God’s will

Debbie Garrett

Rev. Debbie Garrett says
"In the reading from 2 Kings Elijah is preparing Elisha for his death.  Elisha reiterates several times that he will never leave Elijah when Elijah is suddenly carried by a whirlwind into heaven.  In the reading from Luke 9 Jesus is preparing his disciples for his death and ascension as he resolutely sets out for Jerusalem.  On the journey three of his companions agree to follow him wherever he goes. The first one is put off when Jesus says, “Foxes have dens to live in, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place even to lay his head.”  The other two lay down conditions that prevent them following him at that time.  They must return home to bury a father or say goodbye to their family.  In Biblical times family was all important in people’s lives for that was all they had.  Jesus, whose face was set on fulfilling God’s will by going to Jerusalem to die, wants disciples whose faces are set on obedience to God’s call.  Luke in this reading is making it clear following Jesus is not easy and for some may well mean sacrificing aspects of family life. "