John Hebenton's Podcast
Sunday sermons preached at St. George's Anglican Church, Gate Pa, Tauranga. These are mostly based on the RCL Lectionary readings for that Sunday, with a few variations for our own lectionary in this Province, and special events here at Gate Pa.
Podcasting since 2013 • 442 episodes
John Hebenton's Podcast
Latest Episodes
Some Reflections After 9 Years Offering the Remembering The Battle Service every April 29
Rev John Hebenton, the retiring vicar of the Anglican Parish of Gate Pā offers some thoughts on the importance of remembering the battles of Pukehinahina-Gate Pa and Te Ranga as we renegotiate our way through this crossroad in the life of...
Putake o te Riri
As this year is the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Pukehinahina-Gate Pa, Gate Pa Anglican Parish offered free lectures to help the community understand our city's history and how it shapes our present.This lecture was in two parts. T...
The Battle of Te Ranga 21 June 1864
This year is the 160th anniversary of the Battle of Pukehinahina-Gate Pa. This is an important event for our city, especially with some of the other things happening in Aotearoa at the moment. We again offered free lectures to help the communit...